Series MG pumps deliver exceptional
Small Size / High-Performance
pumping performance and long life in abrasive
The miniature size of the Series MG coupled
fluid applications. Abrasive fluids, such as
with the DC and AC drive create a high
pigmented paints and inks, often cause
performance package that is easy
significant pump wear, dramatically shortening
incorporated into your systerms
pump life. PMI’s Series MG pumps use
advanced materials and design processes to
Chemical and Abrasive Resistance
extend pump life.
Series MG200 has a long-life in aggressive
chemical and abrasive fluid environments.
These compact magnetically driven gear pumps
feature a cavity style design for smooth
Smooth Pulseless Delivery
pulseless fluid delivery. The magnetic drive
Positive displacement, precision gears
removes the need for direct drive connection
provide consistent fluid delivery in
to the pump gears, eliminating leak points
continuous processes.
associated with shaft seals, while providing
energy-efficient fluid delivery. Series MG
pumps are ideal for a wide range of abrasive
The magnetic drive and static o-ring seal(s)
fluid applications.
keep the fluid securely inside the pump
and potential contaminants out.
Performance Summary
▲Maximum Rated System Pressure
▲Flow Rate at 2000rpm 3000rpm 4500rpm
21 Bar (-1 to 20bar)
ml/min 800 1700 3000
▲Temperature Range
-46 to 121 °C (-50 to 250 °F)
Gear Series 04 09 13
▲Viscosity Range
mL/rpm 0.27 0.6 0.75
0.2 to 6000 cps
▲Maximum Rated Differential Pressure
▲Maximum Speed (recommend)
5.0 Bar
5000 rpm